30 Days of Little L - Day 17

Day 17 - Who you'd want to switch lives with for a day and why

I literally cannot think of a single real, live person I'd switch lives with...even for a day. I'm pretty content with our adorable country house, and our little half acre, and the horses on the hill, and the motel next door. I love writing and cleaning and cooking all day. My cats are my world, which, I know, is a little crazy, but it makes me happy to cuddle them and baby talk them and watch them chase yarn balls around the house. 

Yes, literal yarn balls. They didn't used to. I'd throw down balls of yarn, and they'd look at me like I was crazy and completely ignore them. And then I made them tiny yarn balls, and they play with them so much that I have to replace them every couple weeks. 

Okay, my obsession with my cats might be a little ridiculous. 

I thought about switching lives with Jenna Marbles for a day, because she's smart, and funny, and beautiful, and she has great dogs, and she makes a buttload of money doing whatever she wants. But then I realized that she has waaaaaaaay too much interaction with strangers in real life, and I'm fairly certain I'm not ready for that much people time.

I thought about switching with Jennifer Lawrence, because she's also smart, funny, and beautiful, and she gets to make a buttload of money pretending to be other people practically every day, and that sounds like a lot of fun, but then I realized that she deals with a whole bunch of shit that would probably destroy me, and I'm fairly certain I'm not interested in walking a day in her shoes. 

So I decided I'd go with a fictional character. And my choice is Kahlan Amnell, the Mother Confessor. Confessors are a group of characters from the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind who have the magical ability to force people to submit to them until their dying breath. People touched by confessors have their minds destroyed and their will altered so that they can't do anything that goes against the wishes of the confessor who touched them. Confessors were often used to seek the absolute truth in situations that called for it because one touched by a confessor cannot lie to that confessor. And Kahlan is the most powerful of all confessors in the series. 

When I was committed for the last time, I asked Big to bring me some books because the mental ward didn't really have any. It had dozens of magazines, but they rarely ever got changed out, and I had read them all during my last stay six months prior. One of the books he brought (and, at the time, the first book in the series) was Wizard's First Rule

He made the mistake of also bringing an Anne Rice book, and at the time, I was obsessed with Anne Rice, so I read that book first. I kicked myself later because the Sword of Truth series is amazing. 

It took 3.5 seconds from the first time Kahlan spoke for me to fall in love with her. Again, smart, funny, beautiful. I think I have a type. She's also very civic and duty minded. She believes in justice and fairness. She fights evil throughout the entire series, even when she finds it within herself. She hated her ability because she hated enslaving people to her, even when they deserved nothing less. She exhibited humility and integrity and loyalty and a strength not often seen in female characters in literature. 

I don't want Kahlan's abilities. I want her strength. 

This series inspired by a writing challenge from Living Off Love and Coffee. Find the full list here.
