30 Days of Little L - Day 25

Day 25 - What's in your bag? 

Ooo! I have pics for this one! Hang on. 

I can't believe I didn't take a picture of stuffed Stuart all by himself. #fail Stuart is my favorite Minion. As you can see, he's the largest decoration on my laptop. It's not a sticker. It's a paper puppet that you'd put on, like, a paint mixing stick, or something. I taped it to my laptop because I FUCKING LOVE STUART. Don't @ me. 

I really have no idea where I got this keychain. But I love cats and I love love so I kept it. 

Once in a rare while, my ex would do nice things for me when he thought it would get him out of trouble for being an insufferable douche. One of the things he did was sign me up for a Stephen King fan club and buy me Hearts In Atlantis. With the book came this skeleton key chain. I've always been obsessed with skeletons. Throughout most of my school years, I wore black skeleton french hooks in my ears, which drove my mother CRAZY. "Skeletons are for Halloween!" Psh. Skeletons are for every day! I wonder whatever happened to those earrings. The butterfly keychain behind it was given to me by a friend. And believe it or not, the silver keychain behind it is Coach. I won it at a mandatory meeting at the bedding store I worked at for being able to answer the most questions about our products. I literally could not care less about Coach, and didn't even know it was a Coach keychain until someone pointed it out to me years later. 

My unicorn! He has a name given to him by ty but I couldn't tell you what it is. I saw him at the store one day and bought him and he has resided in my bag ever since. He's got a couple siblings, and I fully plan on purchasing them, too, but they probably won't live in my bag. I mean, I need room for other stuff, like the potentially illegal self defense tool that my father gave me years ago when I visited for his second wedding. 

That pinkish red thing is a whistle on a keychain, and I found it under my fridge when we moved in here. Well, it was actually a couple months later. I sweep the floor damn near every day, but one day, when I swept, that whistle shot out from under the fridge like a bullet and scared the shit out of me. I promptly attached it to the zipper on my purse. And that there pretty lady is Bettie Page. She came with something I was sent to review on my adult site, and I love her, so she went on my bag, too. 

This series inspired by a writing challenge from Living Off Love and Coffee. Find the full list here.
